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From Ordinary to Extraordinary

Writer: Info @Info @

Updated: Jan 11

The Basics of Consistent Powerful Prayers

If you're reading this, you're probably seeking to deepen your prayer life and experience the extraordinary power of prayer. You my friend, are in the right place.

If you've ever wondered why some people's prayers seem to carry a divine spark, while yours may feel routine or unheard, join us on this enlightening journey as we uncover the simple yet profound secrets that can make your prayers consistently powerful.

What Are Powerful Prayers?

What makes a prayer powerful? Is it when you feel the earth shaking below your feet? Would it cause your adversaries to crumble before you? Or do you imagine a thunderous voice from the heavens declaring, "I have heard you. Now stand aside as I bring to fruition everything you've asked for"? We all yearn for our prayers to carry such potency and receive resounding answers, don't we?

"The gospel of Christ does not move by popular waves, it has no self propagating power. It moves as the people who carry it move." E.M. Bounds

Powerful prayers have nothing to do with your capability(Zechariah 4:6) or what you can accomplish; it centers on the power of God that dwells within you. It's about connecting with that divine power and embracing the truth of what Jesus accomplished on the cross. It is this connection, this synergy of faith with the Holy Spirit, that enables you to move mountains.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21 (Ephasis Mine)

#1 Why Consistency in Prayer Matters.

Consistency is the secret sauce of powerful prayers. Think of it as the steady, rhythmic beat of a drum in the background of your life. It's the consistency that aligns your heart with God's heart, allowing you to tap into His extraordinary power.

Consider this: Just as a small stream becomes a mighty river through the constant flow of water, your prayers become powerful when offered consistently. The key lies in making prayer an integral part of your daily routine.

Mark Batterson, in one of his inspiring books, shares a powerful insight that truly resonates with our journey of faith. He encourages us to shift from those quick "ASAP" prayers to engaging in "ALAIT" prayers - prayers that embody the spirit of "As Long As It Takes." This shift, as Mark highlights, aligns beautifully with biblical teachings.

Certainly, there's nothing wrong with urgently asking God to intervene, as we see David doing throughout the Psalms. However, the Bible provides a clear precedent that prayer isn't just about God's swift action but also about how He works within us during the process. Often, this divine work requires time, consistent patience, and unwavering persistence to witness the fulfillment of our prayers.

The book of Daniel offers a striking example of this principle. Daniel's fervent prayers and fasting continued for three weeks until an answer was granted. An angel revealed that the answer had been dispatched from heaven the moment Daniel began to pray, but unseen spiritual battles delayed its arrival. This narrative vividly illustrates how God's activity through our prayers is often concealed from our understanding.

Jesus Himself instructed us to adopt this persevering prayer attitude. In Luke 18, He shared a parable with His disciples, emphasizing the importance of "always praying and not giving up." He stressed the power of persistent prayer, reminding us that God desires us to maintain our prayers steadfastly. So, if there's a prayer you've been holding onto, even in moments of dwindling hope, take heart and keep praying. Jesus wouldn't have shared this story if He didn't want us to grasp its profound message.

In our fast-paced world, we often crave immediate results from God, but His desire is for us to cultivate patience, consistency and endurance in our faith journey. The Bible underscores the significance of these virtues in our spiritual growth. As we embrace "As Long As It Takes" prayers, we not only seek God's intervention but also allow Him to refine us through the process, deepening our faith and trust in Him.

#2 The Foundation for Powerful Prayers

Now, beyond consistency there exists two other crucial foundational elements of powerful prayers:

  • Your Relationship with God

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. John 15:7

In the opening part of the verse, "If you abide in Me," Jesus emphasizes that the first and foremost requirement for approaching God in prayer is to establish a strong and personal relationship with Him. Jesus employs the term "abide," which signifies remaining in a state, enduring, and continuing. Essentially, He calls upon us to willingly dwell in Him, signifying the importance of forging an intimate and personal connection.

It's essential to recognize that the primary reason for God's creation of humanity is to foster intimate fellowship. God's love for humanity is profound, and above all else, He desires that we approach Him and engage in a one-on-one, intimate, personal relationship with Him.

To illustrate this, consider the concept of a "best friend." God yearns to be your ultimate best friend, above any earthly soulmate or companion. He desires to hold the top position in your life and will not accept anything less. The Bible describes God as a jealous God, a consuming fire.

Sometimes we mistakenly believe that attending church once a week, singing hymns, and tithing constitutes being "in a relationship" with God. Yet, God desires more. He wants you for all seven days of the week, not merely a one-time encounter in a weekly church service. He desires open, continuous communication with you.

He wants you to converse with Him just as you would with your closest friend, engaging in dynamic, free-flowing conversations on any topic, no matter how minor or significant it may seem. Moreover, He yearns for you to be receptive to His guidance and wisdom in return.

Your prayer life is a reflection of your relationship with God. The stronger your connection with Him, the more powerful your prayers become. Nurture this relationship through daily communication, just as you would with a close friend.

  • The Role of Faith

Faith or believing in prayer, shifts the focus away from the act of praying itself and directs it entirely toward God. It centers on His character, His faithfulness, and His sovereign power. The Bible consistently teaches us not to place our sole reliance on the act of prayer but to rely wholeheartedly on God. True, heartfelt prayer is an outpouring of our faith in Him.

To pray believing means that our faith is anchored in God first and foremost, and then we express that unwavering belief through prayer. This faith must reside deep within our hearts before it finds its voice in our prayers.

"But what does it say? 'The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart'—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation." Romans 10:8-10

Faith is the fuel that powers your prayers. When you pray with unwavering faith, mountains can be moved.

#3 Practical Tips for Powerful Prayers

Now that we've established the foundation, let's get practical. Here are a few tips to help you cultivate consistent, powerful prayers:

#Tip 1: Setting Aside Time

Designate a specific time for prayer each day. Whether it's in the morning, during lunch breaks, or before bed, having a dedicated prayer time ensures consistency. It's your appointment with the Divine.

#Tip 2: Persistence and Patience

Sometimes, answers to prayers take time. Stay persistent, even when it seems like nothing is changing. Remember the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18:1-8. Keep knocking on Heaven's door until God responds.

#Tip 3: Praying with Purpose

Don't just recite a list of requests; pray with intention. Be specific about your needs and desires. Pour out your heart honestly and authentically. God listens to your heart, not just your words.

In conclusion, dear one, you have the potential to transform your prayer life from ordinary to extraordinary. By building a strong relationship with God, nurturing your faith, and practicing consistency, you'll tap into the boundless power of prayer.

Your ordinary moments will become opportunities for divine intervention, and your faith will soar to new heights. Keep the faith, stay consistent, and watch as your prayers bring about extraordinary changes in your life and the lives of those around you.


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